Association of National Grasslands Inc.
Conservation of the Land of Many Uses since 1978

Our Mission
Association of National Grasslands protects, preserves, and improves our National Grasslands for our ranching families and wildlife for generations to come.

ANG Members
North Dakota:
Medora Grazing Association
South Dakota:
Cedar River Gazing Association
Cooperative Grazing District
Grand River Grazing Association
Eastern Pennington County Grazing District
White River Cooperative Grazing District
Cottonwood Grazing District
Inyan Kara Grazing Association
Thunder Basin Grazing Association
Sugarloaf Grazing Association

Our Resources
Association of National Grasslands is dedicated to being a primary resource for members as well as non-members throughout the industry. Our carefully curated articles below are updated regularly, and will provide all the information you need to stay in the know. If you have additional questions or requests, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Meet Our Members | House Committee on Natural Resources
The Maude Family needs all of the support they can get! Please contact any member of the senate committee to voice your concerns and offer your support:​
The House Committee on Natural Resources Members
U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources

The Wyoming Stock Growers Endowment Trust has announced the establishment of a Wildlife Relief Fund to assist Wyoming livestock producers who have been impacted by major fires in 2024. The Trust is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit entity established by Wyoming Stock Growers in 1977 to ensure the future of Wyoming’s cattle industry through support for eligible programs that include keeping the next generation of ranchers on the land.
In addition to funding provided by the Trust, The Trust is seeking donations from businesses and individuals interested in assisting producers impacted by the fires. All donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made in any of the following manners:
By check payable to WSGA Endowment Trust mailed to
P. O. Box 206, Cheyenne, WY 82003
By credit card on the WSGA website at
By contacting Susan in the WSGA Office at 307-638-3942
By direct wire transfer—Contact WSGA for further information.
WSGA Endowment Trust will begin accepting applications for cash assistance on September 15th. An application form will be available at that time on the WSGA website or by calling the WSGA office.